
さてらいと ー 桜井戒重・本町通エリア ー

開催日時:2023年10月20日(金)– 30日(月)火 - 木曜日休み

開催時間:11時 - 17時


主催:かいじゅう未来計画 〜アート・ひと・まち in 大和桜井〜、桜井市本町通・周辺まちづくり協議会


かいじゅう未来計画ホームページ https://sites.google.com/view/kaiju-mirai

会場①:旧医院(インフォメーション) 〒633-0064奈良県桜井市戒重19番地

入場 : 自由料金制

会場②:JR・近鉄桜井駅南口ロータリー・ディスプレイ 〒633-0064奈良県桜井市1259

入場 : 無料



本町通り「オマルトヴェンザー的 浪漫紀行 桜井編」


入場 : 無料






ー 桜井戒重エリア ー

The transparency of experience







ウィル・ホール、岡本奈香子、桒原 寿行 、サンディープ・ビスワス、シヴァニ・アガルヴァル、田中誠人

③2023年10月29(日)14:00から 、無料、元ひご寿し



Will Hall(ウィル・ホール)



Born in the UK, 1980. Based in Kyoto. Graduated with BFA Painting - Glasgow School of Art , 2004. Completed with MFA/ PhD Media Art - Kyoto City University of Arts, 2012/ 2015.

Our perceived reality is but a fraction of the vast information received by our brains. Attempting to consciously and spontaneously comprehend this overwhelming influx often proves futile. Yet, maybe, through these seemingly meaningless acts we can unearth truths hidden beneath the ordinary facade of our perceptual existence.

Nakako Okamoto 岡本奈香子

1973年奈良県生まれ。奈良県在住。1997年 愛知県立芸術大学美術学部油画科卒業、2004年 Wimbledon School of Art 修士課程(絵画)修了、2015年京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科 博士(後期)課程メディア・アート領域修了。


Born in Nara in 1973. Based in Nara. Graduated with BFA in Oil painting from the Aichi University of the Arts. Graduated with an MFA in Painting from the Wimbledon College of Arts, London, UK in 2005, and then completed her Ph.D. in Media Art at the Kyoto City University of Art in 2013. Established the Kaiju in 2021.

Due to her personal experiences with hallucinations and altered levels of consciousness throughout her youth, Nakako Okamoto has been enthusiastically engaged in studies that explore the relationship between artistic creativity and the brain. Okamoto conducts scientific experiments using transcranial magnetic brain stimulation and undertakes practical fieldwork exploring different magnetic fields for her research with electromagnetism and geomagnetism. Her cross-disciplinary studies of art, cognitive neuroscience and cultural anthropology aid her in her continuing pursuit of the origins of creativity.

Toshiyuki Kuwabara 桒原 寿行

1986年愛知県生まれ。東京都在住。2011年 東京藝術大学美術研究科絵画科油画修了、2013年 IAMAS(情報科学芸術大学院大学)メディア表現研究科修了。東京藝術大学 特任講師。


Born in Aichi in 1986. Based in Tokyo. Graduated oil painting course from Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduated with an MFA degree in Media Creation from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in 2013. Project Lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts.

While focusing on the 'objects' that establish visual experiences that affect factuality, sense of reality, perception, psychology, and emotions, I continue to research and create works on the latent possibilities and questions of seeing.

Sandeep Biswas (サンディープ・ビスワス)

1971年、インド・ニューデリー生まれ。インド在住。1993年デリー芸術大学卒業。2001-2002年京都芸術大学写真学科客員准研究員。 VASA-ProjectとGaleria Quarentenaのキュレーター。


Born in New Delhi, India 1971. Based in India.
He has a Bachelor in Fine Art from Delhi College of Art, New Delhi ( India ) 1993 and has been a visiting associate fellow with the department of photography at the Kyoto University of Art & Design, Kyoto ( Japan ) with support of the Japan Foundation Fellowship 2001-2002.
He has also received the India Habitat Center Fellowship for photography 2005 and Senior artist fellowship by Ministry of Culture in India 2017.He is a curator with online global platforms VASA-Project and Galeria Quarentena.

In the last few years he has been creating metaphoric imagery based on his observation and reaction to a fast-paced changing urbanization around him.
His recent series of multi-exposed and sketchy photographic images is a revisit to many layers of memories and identities. Mapping a fragment of his own childhood they become a juxtaposition of his own past and present.

Shivani Aggarwal(シヴァニ・アガルヴァル )

1975年インド、ニューデリー生まれ。インド在住。2004年、Wimbledon School of Art修士課程(絵画)修了。


Born in New Delhi, India 1975. Based in India. She has a PostGraduate certificate in painting from Wimbledon school of art (London, UK) where she was studying under Charles Wallace art award in 2003-04.She has had many solo exhibitions in cities like London, Lahore, Mumbai, Delhi and Dubai along with a solo project at the India Art Fair in 2013 with Studio Art gallery New Delhi.

Her works echo the ethos of the times we are living in where anything and everything loses its defined purpose due to situational intervention, whether personal, economic or ecological. Her recent works explore the idea of confinement and emptiness. These times of physical isolation and social distancing made us focus on the loss of purpose.
Emptiness may not be negative. It can give clarity to think, generate ideas and look at aspects, which were ignored due to the time rush. Emptiness can be a space with infinite possibilities.
Shivani took the liberty to engage with, weigh, measure and play with this emptiness.

Masato Tanaka 田中誠人

1988年長野県生まれ、東京都在住。2013年 IAMAS(情報科学芸術大学院大学)メディア表現研究科修了。


Born in Nagano in 1988. Based in Tokyo. Graduated with an MFA degree in Media Creation from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS) in 2013.

In recent years, Masato Tanaka has been working on the creation of installation works with a unique approach that looks at the act of seeing or appreciates appreciation itself, under the theme "Observation for the Sake of Observation". Consulting the various fields of science, medicine, philosophy and anthropology, Tanaka’s installations are the product of an intricate process that is not bound by material or technique.

ー 桜井本町通エリア ー


山下智子ガイドツアー 28日(土)13:00-
桜井駅南口オマルトヴェンザー作品前集合 予約不要、無料





2007年 東京藝大学美術学部油画専攻卒業、O 氏記念賞受賞
2009年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科修士課程修了(油画技法材料)

2022年 「たこあげ あるいは つり」 Calo Gallery / 大阪(大阪市助成事業)
「山下智子 福崎翼 2 人展ー裸の春ー」大乗院庭園文化館 / 奈良

2016年 ザルツブルク/オーストリア 2017年 マスタートン/ニュージーランド 2018年 フィレンツェ/イタリア
2019年 ザルツブルク/オーストリア
現在 奈良芸術短期大学洋画コース非常勤講師、東大寺学園幼稚園造形教室担当

主催:奈良・町家の芸術祭 HANARART 実行委員会、奈良県
〒630-8114 奈良県奈良市芝辻町2丁目6-14 maru room内 「奈良・町家の芸術祭はならぁと事務局」 MAIL:info@hanarart.jp